A Place at the Table


Everyone deserves a place at the table. So that being said, I was recently able to rent a film documentary called A Place at The Table; let me tell you a little about what this film is about:

Food Insecurity in America

Hunger in America

there’s no more I can tell you about this film because you need to watch it. It is heartbreaking, eye opening. And for people like myself who are actually struggling to get by; it is of the upmost importance to inform people that hunger is here in 2013 and it’s not very far from home.

you can rent it on itunes or as I did rent it on google play here.

or check out their web page to find out if your local theatre is showing it.

click here for web page.

don’t feel like watching a documentary… well at least read a book:

click here for the book.

Fish and greens pasta

I made this greens pasta the other day and thought to give it a little more color with ham, I understand that when I made this my dish has ham and fish wich personally I don’t think you’re supposed to eat fish and then ham in the same dish; but whatever I was hungry.


So anyways here’s the recipe.


1 tilapia fish

2 leafy lettuce leafs

spaghetti pasta (this was leftover pasta so just follow the instructions in the box)

1 green serrano pepper

small handfull of parsley

a little piece of onion (diced “small”)

1 slice of ham

2 fresh basil leaves

cooking oil

sweet chili sauce


So go ahead chop your green serrano as small as possible (about the size of the seeds)

chop your parsley

Dice your onion into small pieces

chop your ham

preheat your pan about medium to high heat then add some oil, let the oil warm up a little

put into the pan all your chopped things (serrano, parsly, onion, ham) and add your basil leaves

let them simmer for about a minute then add a handful of spaghetti pasta

put your other pan to preheat also about medium to high temperature and add a little bit of oil; let the oil warm up

move your pasta around so that it doesn’t stick to the pan and add your fish to the empty pan

we want to grill your fish or make it so that its well cooked so take your time with it

once the pasta looks a little darker lower the heat on your pan and let it simmer for a bit while your fish is getting done


add you lettuce leaves to your plate and use any dressing you like, put your pasta on a the side and leave some space for your already cooked fish. add your sweet chili sauce on top of the fish.


(I wrote this recipe in two different days very spaced appart so I might have forgotten something)

I know it’s been a while since I’ve posted something here, but I was quite busy working on a very insightful documentary and I’m just giving it it’s final touches. As soon as it’s ready I will post it on my blog and hope you like it.